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Hey, I really thought that I'd move on.

Nurhidayah ♥ This is my blog. I would type whatever I want here. No one's gonna stop me from doing it. Even if it kills me to blog about what I feel, I will. 'Cause this is the only place where I can get rid of my fake smiles. Don't like it, get lost. I didn't invite you here. You came on your own accord.
I miss you.

<--It's a must to click PLAY!♥
Beautiful Monster - Ne Yo♥
first ♥ is my biography,
second ♥ is my blog,
third ♥ is my tagboard,
fourth ♥ is my links,

i ♥ the people who rock my life, \m/
nadhirah ♥
filza ♥
mardhiah ♥
♥Monday, May 31, 2010♥

heyheyheyhey! :D
at last im gonna post!
to start off today, ( just now )
woke up earlyearly.
* didnt msg nadhirah back until i was out * hehe.
i went to SIMEI!
breakfast at KFC :D finger-licking-good, oh yeah! :D
& then my mum talked to small kids.
i think the small kids were afraid of her :O
hahahha, seriously. they were scared....
so then, went to walk2 around simei..
didnt msg my honey cause mummy asked me not to ):
hmmmmm, went to shop :D
bought a new dress :D yay me!
it's so God-damn nice sia! i love it!
& after buying the dress,
mummy signed up for a membership card :D
went to popular & bought a geography assessment book.
gosh, i suck at geography! D7 is so bad for a 1E1!
so, when i got home, read through the book..
* still reading it * gosh, it's fun!
& now talking to my honeeeey (:
haish, cant meeeeeeeet ):
ideekay when we can meet...
hmmmmmmm, so anyway,
my results are bad..
but mummy still give me what i want.
haish, should have done better & made her proud.
i promise to do better in my term 3 progress report &
much better for my FINAL YEAR!
i dont want to drop to N/A!
i wanna get edusave & make mummy proud!
people who read my post are my witness okay! :D
so, i guess that's all for now.
i dont wanna tell my results here,
cause i dun wan honey to know.
i want honey to see! xD
hahahhaha, but honey, my results are seriously bad.
but i swear im gonna buck up!
dayah! you must buck up or else you die!
hehe. okay, before i become crazy,
let's end this post.

DAYAH [ smile ]
e.n.d.e.d (:

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/31/2010 05:06:00 PM

♥Friday, May 21, 2010♥

halohaloHALO people! :D
how are you people doing? ^^
okay, so for today started off late.
woke up at 06:28:43 am, haha.
thenthenthen, rushed to the toilet,
almost slipped and fall but i didnt! (:
weee, so went to school alone.
my mum cheated my feelings! XD
hahahha, laughed with my friends,
had a great time yaw!
and then it was p.e time,
had 2.4km retest! i was so shocked!
and then had a recorder,
the name's Hui Jun (: thanks yeahhhhh
and yeah, i passed the run!
18:05 mins! hahahahhahahhaha,
all credits go to Mardhiah for saying that we could make it!
cause at the last round, we have only left 1 minute.
& i was like already giving up.
then she said that we could make it (:
then i tried my super best :D
& then we made it yeah!
but sadly, Filza & Nadhirah didnt ):
but they did their best!
they improved yaw! :D
so yeah, then it was CE,
almost died though.
was very tired & was about to die XD
hahahha, but i did make it through the day ^^
so after school, went to "meet" my mum,
but i didnt cause she was damn angry at me )':
soooom, went to TM to cool ourselves down ( me & nad ).
& then went to Tamp Inter to meet him
while waiting, saw Syak's sister & her BF?
so, yeah, Nadhirah panicked hhaha me too XD
i panicked on Nadhirah's behalf ^^
so, the rest of the day was fine.
but nadhirah keep on landing everywhere =.="
haish, nad,nad..
& theeeeeeeeeeeen, went home at around 4-5pm? haha
went to my block's 5th level and talked with him
and then went to level 8 to see a more nicer scenery ^^
& we talked crap. but actually i was the one talking
A LOT of craps XD
hahaha, i think he was getting bored listening to me XD
but i enjoyed myself hahhahahhaha ^^
when somebody takes time to listen to your crap,
it makes you feel special hahaha, at least it is to me ^^
okeay so yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,
had to say buhbye to him
♥ ):
& later on discovered that nobody was at home.
if only, i had stayed on... i could have spent more time with him
had a great day besides arguing with mummy.
i hope it stays the way it is (:
or gets better, ^^
so, tata :D

till next opportunity to type in,
dayah keeps her lips sealed.
seals her lips.

- iloveyou.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/21/2010 06:48:00 PM

♥Thursday, May 20, 2010♥

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Be ALIVE while you're alive."

In live, you just have to overcome the obstacles.
Sometimes, you have to go through hardships.
Sometimes, nothing will go the way you want it to be.
Sometimes, you just quit on life.
Sometimes, you feel like nobody loves you.
Well, I have learnt that,
I will have to overcome all obstacles to gain happiness.
Try to be happy, while you can.
Be thankful for what you have.

Someone once told me that you have to choose,
What you win or lose,
You can't have everything,
Don't you take chances,
Cause you might feel the pain..
Don't you love in vain,
Cause love won't set you free..
I can't stand by the side,
& watch this life pass me by ;
So unhappy
But safe as could be..

BUT ; So what if it hurts me?
So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge,
My feet run out of ground..
I have got to find my place..
I wanna hear my sound!
Don't care about all the pain in front of me,
Cause I'm just trying to be happy..
I just want to be happy.. :D

Yeah. I will try to be happy.
Though maybe my bestfriends dont like me best (:
It's okay. I still love them best (:

DAYAH [ ily. ]

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/20/2010 08:48:00 PM

♥Wednesday, May 19, 2010♥

halo world,
life's a mess. idk what to say..
one problem after another..
doubts, jealousy and more doubts...
im with you; avril lavigne.
my life song.
i have nothing more to say.
my mum said, if dont have anything nice to say,
dont say.
so i will zip up.
i swear i will be a complete different person from now on.
i wont be the old or new dayah.
this is just me.
no more faking.
but i will always put on a smile.
no matter what people say.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/19/2010 02:53:00 PM

♥Tuesday, May 18, 2010♥

what do you really want from me? )':

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/18/2010 08:40:00 PM

♥Wednesday, May 12, 2010♥

its just for one day... ):
its not like i do this everyday..
i never spend time with him..
if i do, im with you guys.
okay, if you guys want to have a day without him around,
i would hang out with you guys, without him around.
please, its just for one day.
other girls just leave their friends and go out with their bf.
not me. cause i care about my friend's feelings.
im sorry if his appearance bother you guys..
we will have an outing together okay.
just the four of us.
me, you, filza and mardhiah.
i promise.
set the date.
& maybe if you dont want to hang out with me & him around,
i wont tag him along anymore.
we will have our 'girls' time back okay?

DAYAH [ one day only ]

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/12/2010 09:01:00 PM

♥Tuesday, May 11, 2010♥


this is for you :D ;

- remember that this person is not the end of the world, someone else may feel the way you do about YOU. just remember that its a crush - no matter how strong you feel about him..
- hmmm and when you start remembering a good time you had with your crush, convince yourself it wasn't all that great by remembering a much better time you experienced with someone else, like with your best friends, etc.....
- don't get angry at him, especially if he doesnt understand how deeply you feel for him, he didn't do anything wrong and getting angry is just going to push him further away and destroy your friendship.
- come to terms with the fact that it isn't his fault he wasnt attracted to you that way. i know this is DAMN hard, but a few tears (or a few buckets of tears), a few chick-flicks and treats and a few peppy songs you can dance to will keep you on your feet.
- don't spend too much time thinking by yourself or about yourself. you will most likely be thinking about him and start feeling depressed. hang out with friends.. :D
- keep in mind, if you are madly and hopelessly in love, be patient. don't be too clingy, but continue on as normal, being your wonderful self and show him how awesome you are. he might just realize one day that he has been blind this whole time and confess his love; after all, love is just friendship on fire...
- understand that if all else fails, think about how devastated you would be if the two of you started dating OR getting serious and then broke up. think of when you get that feeling. keep in mind how important your friendship is.. :D
- it's not healthy to keep hoping he will one day feel the same. try to emancipate yourself from him for a while so that you can rid yourself of your feelings for him, because if you don't, the time you spend around him will be tense and bittersweet...
- avoid thinking about him. you will only feel worse if you do. meet new people, talk to your friends, talk to ME :D

hmmm what you need to do :
- by talking to him frequently, you will see his negative qualities, which will be beyond what you can bear if you're not meant to be.
- look at him closely. find the physical flaws. and then think... "He's not that hot! What am I thinking?!" and find someone that you can get, and still be friends with your crush. * continued *
- or maybe just stop talking to him ! he isnt important! he is probably a person who doesn't appreciate you ONE BIT.
- ask yourself a reason why you want to get over him.. like " HE'S A JERK! "
- try to minimize contact with your crush.
- focus on your other interests.
do something you like! get your mind off of him and feel better about yourself.
find comic relief? haha! see the humorous side to things, read comic books or deep thoughts before you go to bed :D
cross out or erase his name anywhere you might have written it (e.g your notebook, your textbook, the wall of your bedroom, etc.)
AVOID all eye contact with him and try not to look longingly at his nose XD you'll be more likely to get over the crush if you aren't always staring at him (:
BELUM ! act a bit more unpleasant around him than your usual temperament. he may act unpleasant back and won't seem as attractive to you, but be warned, you may lose out on a relationship with another person if you are too mean ):
learn from the experience and come out stronger! :D
don't let him see how upset you are!
move on. make a promise to yourself to get over it. i know you're ready to take this step, so just do it.
reassure yourself. look in the mirror every morning, smile, and tell yourself, "You're worth it." & really mean it. you didn't do anything wrong, and right now there's someone else out there for you!!!! & it always helps to remind yourself that he is the one that is going to be missing out on you. :D
oh yeah, get it out. a good cry always helps. just let your feelings pour out and before you know it ; he will be just a thing of the past. :D that was what i did :D

so, yeah. thats all :D
seeya :D

DAYAH [ idaa ]

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/11/2010 06:01:00 PM

♥Monday, May 3, 2010♥

hahahahaha, idk what to post la Fil!
howhowhow? any ideas?
if have also, i write about him -.-
hhahahhahahahaha oh yeah. aku blg kau psl first monthsary nk?
confirm tk nk. but you have to read! blueks!
hahahha. okeay,
first monthsary fell on the same day as carnival woots!
he bought me a rose from 1E2 -.- hahahha
he bought me chocolate and a necklace. awww.
took bus with nad around 7? then went lepak with him (:
then he opened my present under his blk :D
hahahha chit chatted awhile then around 8.30,
went home (: hahha.
okeay. enough of that.
hmmm, fil! idk what topic ahhhs!
i havent eat the chocolate he gave ahhaha
oh yea, renovation is soon done!
the toilet god-damn lawa siots!
wooots! i wanna be the first to bathe tonight!
hahahahahha weeeeeeee,
hmmmmm... then he is now cooking. hahha
okeay.. enough of safawi, dayah !
trying to cut down on my msgs...
hmmm, and trying to concentrate on me studies yaw.
oh yea, srry couldnt go out to study with you..
my renovation of toilet is soon done so
i needed to be at home. i know its a lame excuse.
my mum's lame excuse, excuse me.
hahahahahhahahahahhaha. kay, im random.
im actually very hawt here!
okay, that sounded kinda wrong. * shhh *
okay.. hmmm, cant wait to go to skl tmr!
for obvious reasons. to meet him.
to meet my fellow people & Mr Hafiz.
HAHAHAHAH that was random. why would i ever want to see him?
ohkay.. so yea.. thats kinda all..
anything, i post again :D
and these songs are dedicated to him ;
Oh Baby - Cinta Laura
No Other One - Taio Cruz
Awake - Secondhand Serenade
Never Let You Go - Justin Bieber
U Smile - Justin Bieber

muahh to filza hhahahahaha kay

DAYAH [ filza's ]
P/S ; i love you !

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/03/2010 12:04:00 PM