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Hey, I really thought that I'd move on.

Nurhidayah ♥ This is my blog. I would type whatever I want here. No one's gonna stop me from doing it. Even if it kills me to blog about what I feel, I will. 'Cause this is the only place where I can get rid of my fake smiles. Don't like it, get lost. I didn't invite you here. You came on your own accord.
I miss you.

<--It's a must to click PLAY!♥
Beautiful Monster - Ne Yo♥
first ♥ is my biography,
second ♥ is my blog,
third ♥ is my tagboard,
fourth ♥ is my links,

i ♥ the people who rock my life, \m/
nadhirah ♥
filza ♥
mardhiah ♥
♥Wednesday, August 25, 2010♥


woots! steve appleton :D blur face but cute (: hahaha. cuuute right? ^^v

DAYAH [ dont snatch! ]
ps, my ayang cuter xD
steve appleton rocks.
& he's mine, bluuuuueks.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 8/25/2010 08:14:00 PM

♥Tuesday, August 17, 2010♥

today is 17AUGUST2010;
so yeah, did nothing much haha :D so, woke up late hehe 6.20am, rush to toilet, bath and so on. so then left house at around 6.45am. didnt go to school with my sayang ): reached school at around 7.05am? i think so uh, then umm, syahrom came in >.< ms eng didnt come ): then after english was science. at around 8.45am, fire drill. was having so much fun in journaling for science then the fire alarm went off >.< i was hoping it would go off during HISTORY, as it WILL make a history. hahahahhahahahah :D geddit? okay, i know i talk crap. during fire drill, our class was the best. the fastest of them all. nearest to field mahhhh. but cause of our quickness also lorh. e2 also near but didnt get there first hahahahahhaha!

after that was history. was feeling sleepy then teacher gave extra early recess. at 10.13am, release us for recess but our recess was at 10.30am muahahaha. oh then umm, after that go sit near toilet there. very nice scenery.. typed on nad's phone, damn fun! woooots! msg-ed my honey :D hahah, then umm, nothing much till the end of the day..

we promised to go home STRAIGHT after school ends... >.< obviously we suck at promising. hahaha, sent filza to bus stoppppy. then me and nad sat near there then suddenly awi near us but he didnt notice hehhe. so, went to awi, then went to........... SGH! to visit his mum. so, alhamdulillah, his mum quite stable already luh now :D see, i brave uh syg! i went in to see your mum tauu! then see skrg, kan i da kene gossip.. haha, :D actually, i was nervous of what to talk to your mum luh, i dont know what to say to her at all. luckily, managed a few words and questions for your mum tauuuuuuuuuu, haha. okay then, went home with nad. awi had to stay there. then got lost >.< how could you get lost, syg?

so then, was freaking tired, with my ffreaking heavy bag & my fffreaking socks hahaha i went home luh durh. then now, im at home typing this out :D

i didnt expect honey's mum to turn out like that, quiet quiet type. i thought she was more of like my mum, the kecoh kecoh very kecoh type. i think if my mum ever landed in hospital, the hospital wouldnt be a hospital. could be a zoo. hahahhahahah seriously >.<" my mum...

okay then, lastly, my syg mummy's boy seh :D nehmind, i mummy's girl. hahhahahahahhaha :D okay that's all. hope you like this post syg. ahahha cause im crappy in this post >.<

DAYAH [ crappppp ]
ps, i love you.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 8/17/2010 08:35:00 PM

♥Monday, August 16, 2010♥

hola, peeeps! actually, i have no idea why i resorted to this idea. haha. im totally effing bored luh. bro beside me, haha. nothing much to talk about.

seriously, omg. idk what to talk about. just now watched ubin boy, fun. hahaha. he no spects then lost. hahahaha. stupid. blurrrr. actually im also like that luh if i no spects haha. so today, nothing much happened. oh yeah, discovered new song :D katy perry song ^^v hahha. okay then just now went to school as per norm all lorh. seriously manz, nothing to update.

i miss hubby.

so, umm, i d k what to update seriouslyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! oh yeah, i just hate that person. irritates me alot although he never speaks but by not speaking makes me really damn irritated. so to that person, just talk to me ok? talk crap pun okay luh. just talk! urgh. a simple 'hi' would do sia.

seriously, whats wrong with you? mute huh? haish. i wonder why people like you exist! doesnt make a difference in this world man. talk luh please. dont make me start to hate you! be like irfan uh! talk alot. better. than being muted or smth..

so overall, oh yeah, not to forget,

yesterday went to bakery shop, saw hubby! :D

& shouted like a stupid girl when there was a cicak. what!? i was scared, sorry luh make you irritated. i knew there were lessons but.. im so scared of cicaks ok? they make me, ugh. why am i explaining this to you. sorry luh......

so nothing else to do. time to sleep hahahahhaha. nightnight.

DAYAH [ wheee ]
ps, some love one, some love two.
i love one & that is you. :D
- my hubby's the best ^^v
till my brother jealous uh.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 8/16/2010 09:23:00 PM

♥Friday, August 13, 2010♥

HEY GUYS! omg, i miss blogging so much! :O sorry for the waiting xD - opens door and lets abg in - sorry, my brother just came home luh. haha sweating xD he havent eat, awwwwwwww. go eat abg! okay then, didnt go to school just now, sick uh guys.

i have nothing to talk about, blank man. hmmmmm, oh yeah, hear this song ; so big by that boy named IYAZ ^^v nice song :D i dont know what else to saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay,

OH YEAH, i PASSED my geog test luh seyh! 14/20 :D but maths & science i failed badly luh seh. & then my MT si Syahrom tu tak tawu maner diyerh taruk >.< i hope he finds it. umm history i got 10/20 :D hahaha. my studies slack alot luh. since p5 i start drop siah. stupid me.

haha so now, idk why but addicted to PCK episodes now. hahahah. so watching them now, if anything, i update, i promise. i want watch PCK uh. so fun. hahah tata.

DAYAH [ my story ends here ]
ps, i love my weirdo.
quote of the day ; " The only thing that would hurt me is if you weren't here " .

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 8/13/2010 08:38:00 PM

♥Wednesday, August 4, 2010♥

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey guys! lol. it's been a long time since i posted something here. been through alot in these past few days. haish. why does she have to complain everything to that person?

deep down inside, it cuts like a knife. but im too proud to show it. the pain in my chest, like i lost my breath. but she just doesnt know it. so many things that im just dying to say, but i cant seem to tell her. if she wants to leave, im not going to beg her to say because i still got my pride, im not going to cry. there wont be no tears falling from these eyes. dont need her to see that it's killing me. i cant believe that i feel so deep, & left my heart so open. now, i got to try to keep it inside. these words in my mind are better left unspoken. but this is what i must let out, if it doesnt, i would suffer in silence & that's not what i want just for something that isnt worth dying for.

semua nk complain. sikitsikit complain. make my name bad. best friends much? yeah, right. just stop it kay? why need revenge? realised i keep shutting up? i just wanna be the quiet one. i dont feel comfortable around some people. & sometimes when im talking, they just leave me out. wth. like just now, i was talking then you turned away & talked to her? so i just shutted the fuck up. why must i talk when no one wants to listen. well, you guys like her more right? im boring, now. well, people change. & i think im changing for the better. i'll just have a smile on my face. maybe i just am not made to make friends easily. i just dont get it. what have i done wrong? seriously. it's like all of a sudden, i lose all my friends?

who take whose best friend sia? you took her away from me dumbass. then go complain to her that i take you away from your best friend & make her hate me? thanks seh. thanks alot. you're really my best friend. yeah, no friends then find me right? yeah, i'll be there for you. & when you found your new friends, it's okay. i'll just fade away for awhile till you want me back.

it's okay luh. the first semester, i had fun. maybe it's time for her to have her time. & here's what i wanna say. if you really feel like im boring, just ask me to leave. really. i'd rather walk away than being insulted & make everyone else emo in the group. i'll just be like raisah ok? just smile. & keep quiet when the rest of you leave me out. but i'll still joke around when it is right to do so. so, i'll be like having moodswings. you may see me angry at one point of time. emo at another time. then i smile. & then i laugh at another point of time.

DAYAH [ moodswings? ]
ps, it's really ok.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 8/04/2010 08:21:00 PM