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Hey, I really thought that I'd move on.

Nurhidayah ♥ This is my blog. I would type whatever I want here. No one's gonna stop me from doing it. Even if it kills me to blog about what I feel, I will. 'Cause this is the only place where I can get rid of my fake smiles. Don't like it, get lost. I didn't invite you here. You came on your own accord.
I miss you.

<--It's a must to click PLAY!♥
Beautiful Monster - Ne Yo♥
first ♥ is my biography,
second ♥ is my blog,
third ♥ is my tagboard,
fourth ♥ is my links,

i ♥ the people who rock my life, \m/
nadhirah ♥
filza ♥
mardhiah ♥
♥Tuesday, September 21, 2010♥

hello guys, it has been a long time since i have posted anything here...... haha XD so yeah, HALOOO! within these few days, we had tears and joy in beylocity crew.

wow, yesterday was a very.. sad day. i was feeling so down, thinking that life sucks and no one would like me to hang out with them, then came that sucker and totally broke me down and then i broke into tears. i felt so useless. ok enough. then literature time, teacher didnt come, so me, mard, fil and nad sit one place and started to share problems. then each of us started crying. i was so touched when filza wiped my tears away, haha, i get amazed and touched by small things what.. then no mood all the way. go BTNR also not that excited. like, who cares.

today was A to the WE to the SOME! = AWESOME :D ahaha. everything was great luh kay? :D

sorry to have been neglecting you. i guess, i just dont know how to show my love towards you but i know it's there bhy. i can assure you that. and if it isnt as strong as before, it is MUCH MORE stronger the feeling than before :D

i have nothing to comment about you. you think you so perfect? think again k? :D

im a freak. a sore loser. a freaking-ugly girl and im just stupid. everything bad is me :D im sorry, i cant be perfect. neither can you. im just gonna accept the fact that im nothing but a loser.

DAYAH [ loser ]
ps, im a loser , paham!

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 9/21/2010 06:13:00 PM

♥Wednesday, September 15, 2010♥

pagi-pagi dah sedih.. sayangku macam laen. senyum pun cam tk ikhlas.. beh gi skola tk bebual. naik bus pun tk bebual. jalan ke sekolah pun tk bebual. macam nk nanges seh tu time. da turun bus je terus mata berair. beh diyerh bebual. i was like nk reply ke? nanti nanges macam mane? suare pun laen seh tadi. terpakse tahan uh. then da sampai sekolah, i cannot tahan ready uh tu pasal i ask sayangku untuk pergi so that if i breakdown and nanges pun, not in front of diyerh. then diyerh cam.. entah. tak suke. i know, sorry. the whole day cam mepek.

semalam lagi teruk. filza ngan mardhiah nk sangat buat lit presentation hari tu. padehal cikgu kater boleh buat nari. beh dorang nk sgt. aku ngan nadhirah dah cam wth. aku sampai nk nanges sia kat situ. geram sangat. aku tknk uat pasal aku tk tawu ape nk ckp, dah luh tk rehearse pun. beh mardhiah pergi kat nad untuk ilang aper nk uat. filza pun. beh aku? hantu yang bilang pe! aku dah stressed kat situ. adli dah macam chill uh, presentation je pe. kau tk tawu pe yg aku tk tawu ape nk uat langsung. then da kat depan baru nk ckp baek2 kat aku yang its okay, its just a presentation.. blah3. then nasib nad bilang aku sia ape nk buat. and overall ok uh eh. boleh uh kalau nk pass.

beh biler jalan pun, paper sume tinggalkan aku kat blakang sia. sebab tu aku fed up nak squeeze2, aku jalan kat depan, laju2. gerek sia. rase happy.

balek lagi kene tipu ngan mak yang tk kelua untuk raye.

then balek uat HE penat2, beh nari cikgu kate next week hantar. hah, thanks uh eh.

then dah lepas habes HE, lambat. sayangku rase tk dilayan. sorry luh kay? i needed to do my hmwk that i thought was needed to be done by nari. haish.

tadi dah lah jatuh kat canteen. memalukan sungguh. and my butt still hurts.

k uh tkmo type lagi. sedih seh.

dayah [ ]
ps, life.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 9/15/2010 06:35:00 PM


i dont wanna talk about it.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 9/15/2010 06:17:00 PM

♥Monday, September 13, 2010♥

haha, here's your post. nak tawu aper jadi ehk nari? tkde banyak benda yang berlaku luh dear. cume macam biasa je syg. cumer english cikgu tk dtg then kiter boleh buat decorations untuk hari raya untuk kelas. then cine sume tk tolong grrr. haha, ader yg tolong uh (: tapi biler dorang nyer hari raya, kiter tolong dorang alot seh. jahatos. grrr. haha, idk ape nk bebual luh bby. how? oh, ur birthday nye celebration kankankan, i was thinking of celebrating it on our 6th monthsary! wow, half a year alr eh? haha, so its like, very cool kan? celebrate ur birthday on the date that marks our half-year anniversary hahaha. so, i dah seriously tk tawu ape nk bebual luh syg. ibu pun da sound xD so umm, im sorry tadi tk jumpe k? oh oh, tadi i mamam famous amos ( tk perlu ) haha, sedaaaaaaaaaaaaaap seh dear! its nice! yummay. sedap giler. no nut chocolate chewy :D hahahahah should buy some for you one day :D but mahal luh syg. hahha. so umm, tu jer i nk bilang kat u :D k da, thats all. i love you syg.

DAYAH [ thia one's for you ]
ps, iloveyou.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 9/13/2010 10:09:00 PM

♥Saturday, September 11, 2010♥

cute quote of the day. this quote is soooo cute. so i thought i'd drop by to post it :D

"i love eminem" "the candy?" "no, the rapper" "what's so cool about m&m wrappers?"

cute right :D

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 9/11/2010 04:54:00 PM

♥Thursday, September 9, 2010♥

greetings :D i love rain, as in, rain. RAIN. yes. rain. R-A-I-N. heehs.

adilah taught me how to appreciate rain :D she make me love rain. my first time experience to enjoy running in the rain. wow, it was really fun when you run in the rain and face up to the sky. so we ran in the rain without our specs, hand-in-hand. really a worth experience. mardhiah didnt wanna play in the rain, scared to fall sick. well, they're fun to be around with. haha, did have fun yesterday. upskirting, beating, hitting and falling :D haha.

it was still drizzling when going home with awi. then mum wanna meet >.< haha. so yeah, i started to sing "take a bow" softly then it started to rain more :D yay! then walked in the rain with awi :D i didnt wear specs uh! but still didnt get into accident or what! haha. then i wanted to run in the rain but awi dun wan run ): hmph. haha got to blk 936, was really drenched. wow. haha, awi hair flaaaaaaaaaaaaat xD my hair also flat luh and very bery wet. dried myself up then i had to go meet my mum ): haha, took 23 to inter. awi didnt follow for some reasons that his ezlink card no money haha.

met mummy. bought break-fast food. mummy didnt tell me that she cooked SARDIN! grrr. my favourite. haha, then went to buy other things. i wanted to go shopping then mummy say her leg pain. so, had to go home. i want buy BAJU!! haha, next time can luh, mummy more important.

yay! tmr raya! i cant waaaaaait! * stomach rumbles * hungry seh. but nvm, last day :D

i love you! hope u didnt catch a cold, hehe.

DAYAH [ dynamiteee ]
ps, i just want it all.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 9/09/2010 01:10:00 PM

♥Wednesday, September 8, 2010♥

HELLO! haha im bored. idk what to post. * yawn * okay umm, tmr last day to fast :D haha friday = hari raya :D wheeeeeeeeeeeee, cant wait.

haha, intro then end. haha idk what to say luh :D so, at least i update mah. wheee.. haha, oh yeah, i hate it when people say they're depressed and i ask why then they say cause they're single. WTH. haish. peoplesss nowadays..

DAYAH [ teenage dream ]
ps, i dont love the way you lie,
im not rihanna.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 9/08/2010 09:24:00 PM

♥Sunday, September 5, 2010♥

heyy guys, long time no update. heehs. no topic mah. but now got topic :D haha 5 more days to HARI RAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ~ oh maafkan daku ~ haha. LOL. okay, so now, did alot of shoppings hahha lol.

i have now, green kebaya, purple kebaya, pink kebaya, green baju kurung, brown baju kurung & grey baju kurung :D wheeee, all nicenice xD

so umm, just trimmed my hair. it sucks. but when it's straight, it's nice :D i said to the hairdresser to trim then he cut & blow & cut layered V >.< crazy.

wow, embarrassing. i fell... into... a... LONGKANG SIA! wow. haha. but a hero came along sia! :D i walk2 then look around. then, BAM! i fell into the longkang :D a guy who is obviously not from Singapore, a caucasian, quickly turned behind and saw me then quickly put down his cups of drink and helped me up! he was like " omg! are you okay?" then he saw my shoe was missing * it fell into the longkang * then he quickly went in to the longkang to help me take my shoe! wow. i was shocked that he was really willing to help! i was so grateful. then he was still asking whether i was okay, haha. my parents? they didnt notice sia! hahahaha. then when the caucasian said " omg ! " then they looked back to see me in the longkang lol! oh yeah, it hurts. haha.

ok, dayah, stoppit with this topic. but i just cant wait to hear the takbir! waaaaaah )': hahah. wheeeeeeeeeeee, but i dont think this year my family is gonna walk much. my dad first 3 days of raya : working >.< wow. haha.

hey, anyone wanna tag along if i wanna bring you guys out for break-fast? cause it's nearing the end, so i thought i wanna break-fast with my friends.. anyone? :D

whee, i have nothing else to say.

DAYAH [ i love you ]
ps, whee.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 9/05/2010 12:39:00 PM