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Hey, I really thought that I'd move on.

Nurhidayah ♥ This is my blog. I would type whatever I want here. No one's gonna stop me from doing it. Even if it kills me to blog about what I feel, I will. 'Cause this is the only place where I can get rid of my fake smiles. Don't like it, get lost. I didn't invite you here. You came on your own accord.
I miss you.

<--It's a must to click PLAY!♥
Beautiful Monster - Ne Yo♥
first ♥ is my biography,
second ♥ is my blog,
third ♥ is my tagboard,
fourth ♥ is my links,

i ♥ the people who rock my life, \m/
nadhirah ♥
filza ♥
mardhiah ♥
♥Thursday, May 26, 2011♥

Hello people! :D This post is basically for every girl whose heart is broken by some assholes that did not deserve them but they still love the jerks no matter what and can't get over them.

To start off, GET OVER HIM. He's not even worth it. He is not worth your time or your tears. Yeah you loved him, I know that. And I know you just can't see yourself with anyone other than him, I get that. I've been there, But why should you spend all your time sitting at home, bawling your eyes out and wondering where he is and who he is with? Do you honestly think he thinking about you? No. Sure, it hurts, the fact that he is out there falling in and out of love with other girls. Yeah, you're going to see him with one of his new girlfriends. Prepare yourself, 'cause straight up, it's going to hurt. He will hold her a little closer and squeeze her hand a little tighter just because he knows you're watching. He knows it's killing you, that's why he will do it.

So what if he doesn't talk to you? Do you honestly wanna be friends with an asshole like him anyways? Thing is, I know you still do. But give it time. Because all he would do is talk about his new girlfriend and just try and make you jealous. Do you really wanna hear that? No. Screw him and his girlfriend. He will be sorry. Trust me. When he finally sees you with some other guy, who's not him. With that huge grin on your face and your boyfriend holding you close, he will realise how happy you are now. And how happy your boyfriend is because he has you; the girl of his dreams. He will realise the huge mistake he made when he let you go, when he decided to choose her over you. When he decided he just did not love you the same. Trust me, he will be sorry.

So, don't go on spending nights waiting for that one phone call you know you're never going to get. Or that text message you know he will never send you, simply because he likes to ignore you. He likes to pretend he does not see you online, he does it out of spite just because he knows it's killing you. I'm not gonna lie to you. It will hurt, hurt alot. But it will hurt even more when you see her name and how much he loves her in his profile. It's all going to hurt. Knowing that you're not the girl that's making him smile. Knowing that you're not the first person he thinks of when he wakes up and the last before going to sleep. Knowing you're not the face on the background of his handphone anymore. Knowing you won''t be spending every single moment possible with him. Knowing there's not gonna be no more late night messages, arguing about who loves who the most.

And you know what, today, tomorrow, next week, months from now, you're phone will go off with a text message, you will instantly grab your phone hoping it's him saying he wants you back, wanting to give your relationship another shot. But trust me, he's got too much pride. Even if he wanted to get back to you, he wouldn't tell you. You're soon gonna realise he doesn't care about you anymore and he won't be the first person you call when you're upset. He won't be the one to put that smile back on your face. Yeah, it's gonna hurt. But you know what you're gonna do? You're gonna hold your head up. You're gonna show him you're better than him and you don't need him in your life. You're gonna prove to him that he made the biggest mistake of his life, letting you go and that you never really needed him anyways.

I hope this post has helped you, in some ways. 'Cause I don't wanna see you cry anymore. You're a strong girl. Move on, please. It's gonna take time. And I know I'm not the best person to give this advice. But I try. Please be alright (:

- Imissyouterribly.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/26/2011 08:10:00 PM

♥Wednesday, May 25, 2011♥

Hello, meet my boyfriend <3 Okay dah. 18may2011

So, today was so fun like hell manx. After school, went to my house and lepak-ed :D Awesome shiiiiiiiiitz! I love my bestfriends<3 Ohyeah! We're all in this together. I love 2011. 2010 was so shitty. So many fights and misunderstandings. But this year, we're soooo together. I loike alot. Ohyeahhhh! Hehehe. I hope tomorrow's gonna be another awesome day. Well, it is gonna be, 'cause I have my bestfriends! :D Ohyeaaaah.

I have nothing else to say. But to say nothing. Haha, ok mepek. I'm gonna save up money to buy a longboard and other stuffs. Hehe, wish me luck 'cause I never ever end up saving. But spending. Grrrrrr, I should learn how to save instead of spending. I wish I was rich /: GAAAAH, if only I was rich, I'd buy the whole universe. Haha, macam paham sioooooooots.

Okay, aku nak kene urut kaki ibu. So, seeya! <3 before that, i hope that you're gonna be fine and fix things up with your mum cause im sure im gonna miss you like hell if you dont text me for a very long period of time. In fact, i miss you already. Please please please be alright. Anything, you can always count on me. Hatihati and please, dont do anything harmful or stupid. Please control your anger. And also, afterall, she's your mum. Please give in to her. I love you.

- Macam paham siolz aku pasal conor maynard!

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/25/2011 08:35:00 PM

♥Monday, May 23, 2011♥

Heyya people of all kinds of races. Macam paham uh ni budak punye introduction. NYEHEHEHEHE. Hi, blogger. I missed you. I hope you missed me too. 'Cause I really miss you. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. So today was like awesome like that. Hahaha, went to the Gym, eh Nad eh? :D Awesome seh berpeluh rabaaaaaaaak! HAHAHA. Kay dah diam.

Okay luh. Takde ape ape nak bebual luh. Actually ader luh tapi macam malas gitu nak type kan. So, back to texting and I wanna level up in Maple. HAHAHAHA GAME LAMER SIOOOOL. Uh, lantak uh. Orang blakang aku dalam kelas pun nak maen balek pe. HEHEHE. Maple Big Bang. LOOOOL. Sumpah aku lame. Tapi aku bored. So yeah. Maple pun Maple luh ehhh. Asalkan ader benda nak waste time on xD

So anyway, aku takot besok. 'Cause tadi Haadee dalam Mac lab amek phone aku beh tgk sape aku text. Abeh diyerh nampak namer Marley abeh diyerh kacau. Macam paham uh diyerh. Abeh buleh kate 'Tkpe luh, kite kan bestfriend, ni secret, aku tk bilang sape2'. Haha, sumpah mepek siooooot. Beh lepas tu kate yang esok diyerh nk bilang sume orang. PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT, relax one corner sua boy. Kay aku bukan minah.

So, aku nk chao. Maen. GAME.


♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/23/2011 06:19:00 PM

♥Monday, May 16, 2011♥

Hey people on Earth that cares to read my blog! :D Welcome to my blog and have fun reading my nonsensical daily updates! Hope you enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!~ Hehehehe. Basically, I will be updating on what YOU GUYS missed out today. Hahaha, well it's nothing much but today is an awesome day for me! The best one I have ever had in like what, months?! FUHLERMAK. Ohkay, without further ado, let's start the craaaaaaaaap! :D

I had my swimming test in the morning at 8am. It was freaking awesome, as I FAILEEEEED!~ How cool is that? VERY! Hahaha, k. I didn't even swim siaaaaal. I just like um, stayed there, wet my head and yeah. That was all xD It was fun ok! Then, we stayed behind to play with water for awhile, HEHEHEHEHEH! It was fun! Okay, how many times have I said that line?! Geeeeee, I love the water. HAHAHA. Okay lame. I tried floating but I couldn't! FUCKMYLIFEMAAAAAANX. Oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!~ Why can't I float?!?! So then, I have to attend the swimming classes now. Pfffft!~

After the swimming, I went home, got changed and off I went to E!HUB with Nadhirah, FilzAdli *NYEHEHEHHE* and Khairuddin :D To watch the most super duper uber cool awesome shitass movie; FAST&FURIOUS5! Oh yeahhhhhhhhh!~ It was fun. Okay Dayah, get that line off you. Haha, it was more than fun. It was cold xD Hahahahahhaha. The cars are so dooooooope! I loike man. *Filza : I love!* Haha, stoppit eh Filza. Hhehe, I love the cars mannnnnnnx! OHYEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. So, basically, today is just awesome 'cause it was meant to be! With Marley completing my awesome day by texting me :D How cool is that? Hehe. Verrrrrry! Lol dayah lol. Okay I actually have nothing else to say xD Today is just awesome as it is. Gosh, I love today!

Okay tata people.

- I love every little thing you do, boy.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/16/2011 07:14:00 PM

♥Saturday, May 14, 2011♥

Hiiiii, I'm typing this is wordpad while waiting for blogger to stop merajuk-ing with me. I'm sorry I've abandoned you for such a long time but you don't have to do this to me ): I need you in my life. I took you for granted, I'm soryy, Blogger. I love you! ): Pleasepleaseplease be alright. But once you guys read this on my blog, it means that me and Blogger are okay by then. *I won't time with Tumblr anymore, Blogger. Or Facebook* I love you, and only you, Blogger! Okay diam.

So, I thought I wanted to make a very last post for the guy whom I thought was the one for me. Well, it turned out that we aren't made for each other. So, I guess I just have to accept the fact that he isn't the one. And he moved on. And that I have to stop blaming myself or him for the break up. What's done, can't be undone. I have to leave this behind and move on to the future. He's my past. And someone out there would be my future. I figured that out. Well, I'm not gonna be the girl who regrets loving someone so deeply. Well, the relationship was worth it. We had our ups and downs. It was great. But well, every great and wonderful things comes to an end. I'm not even mad anymore, that you moved on. I understand that life has to go on. Even though you promised to stay. But feelings change. I got to accept the fact. If she makes you happy, I'm happy for you.

Here it goes, to the guy whom once was the most important person in my life. I didn't realise it at that time. I can't forgive myself for the way I treated you, so, I don't really expect you to, either. It's just that.. I don't even know. You were the one that I wanted, the one that I needed, the one that I just got to have just to succeed. When I first saw you, I knew it was real. I'm sorry bout the pain that I made you feel, to have to go through my moodswings and stuffs. I may not realise that I have hurt you, but I'm really sorry if I did. I remember when I first looked into your eyes, it was like I was there, heaven in the skies. You told me we were crazy in love but you weren't there when push came to shove. If you loved me as much as you said you did, then you wouldn't have hurt me like I ain't shit. Now you push me away like you never even knew me. I loved you with my heart, really and truly. I guess you forgot all the times that we shared, when I would run my fingers through your hair. I don't know how I could do you so wrong. You were the number one in my heart but now I got to accept the fact that our love's torn apart. You were my everything and I really miss you. I'm not hoping to get back with you, just at least don't treat me like I'm a stranger to you. I know you're gonna sit and play this with your new girl, and then sit and laugh as you're holding her hand. The thought of that once shattered my heart. It breaks in my soul and tears it apart, 'cause I never really wanted to let go. But now, I'm fine with it.

Yes, without you, everything seems so strange. Your name is forever planted in my brain. What about the time when you looked into my eyes, told me you loved me as you would hug me. I guess everything you said was just a lie. I could feel you change nearing the end of the relationship. I guess it was because of her. I think about it, it brings tears to my eyes as now I'm not a single thought in your mind. I can see clearly, my love is not blind. I had a special feeling for you, I thought you had it too. But no matter what, you'll always be in my heart. 'Cause my heart is stubborn to not erase your name. But that doesn't mean you mean what you meant to me when we were together. I remember all the times that I had with you. When we broke up, I couldn't take all the pain that I feel. I don't want to hear that you no longer care. Now I'm nothing to you, you're with another girl.

I do miss you. I just thought we were meant to be. I guess now, we'll never know. The only thing I want is for you to be happy. Whether it be with me or without me. I just want you to be happy. And dear new girlfriend, treat him okay, he always acts tough around his friends, but it's just an act. Laugh at his jokes, even when they're not funny. It makes him happy. Never be the one to let go of his hugs first, it puts a huge smile on his face. Please treat him nice. Never let your moodswings get in the way. 'Cause mine always did. And I think it made him feel bored with me. Okay, that's all.

When someone walks out of my life, I let them. I find that there is no use in wasting my time on people that leaves me. What I make of myself and my future is no longer tied to them. Yeah, I may miss them but I then remember that, it wasn't me who gave up. They did. As much as I wanted everything to work out nicely, he was negative on our relationship. Well, it's time for me to move on. Yeah, I got over you. Yes, now I'm much more stronger. At last I get to pour out what has been in my heart. And if you guys want to know why I felt like crying during the exam, I was thinking about this. You guys were happy for me that I had broken up with the guy whom you guys think is a jerk. But no one really asked me how I felt. But it doesn't matter now (: I'm fine.

Oh yes, I fell for another guy. The guy who was there for me when I was at my lowest. You picked me up, breathed new life in me. I owe my life to you. He is none other than Ridhuan Marley, who is my bestfriend. He listens to me. Well, we are more than just friends. But less than lovers. I love the way the relationship is. There is no awkwardness, as we treat each other as bestfriends and joke around each other. But when I need someone to listen, he acts like my boyfriend and comfort me. I just love him for who he is. Thanks for being there for me, Ridhuan. I love you. And I'm lucky I'm in love with my bestfriend. Yes, I may talk about my ex, but he doesn't matter now, anymore. I've got you. I don't want to make the same mistake twice. I promise to treat you right.

Okay guys, that's all I want to post. *I'm still typing this in wordpad, guys* Toooot, let me try to post this on Blogger. Gosh, it's still currently unavailable ):< I hate you. GRRRRRRRRR. Okay. Then this means that I have to post this tomorrow. Pfffffft. Take care guys, gays, lesbians, fuckers, dickheads, bitches. Haha. Kbye

- I got the magic in me. K sumpah mepek.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/14/2011 02:37:00 PM

♥Wednesday, May 11, 2011♥

Hello! I am bored 'cause I have no one to text, as he is having tuition. And oh shit. I forgot to text the other guy. Ah shit. Phone tengah charge ):

Well, Aku actually kat sini pasal ader benda terjadi yang Aku nak share yang paling cute sekali. Padahal tak cute sangat. Tapi, bace je luh eh. I was massaging my mum's knee, as she had told to do since like forever. She said I had to do it till news ended. And I was like bragging and bragging until I heard "Ngee Ann" being mentioned on the news and I was like "Ok mum, I will do until this ends", haha she can even continue with "Ngee Ann Poly luh, not Secondary". Hahaha, epic.

Anugerah was awesome *MACAM PAHAM GITU AKU TENGOK NI ANUGERAH* Haha, nah I didn't watch it yesterday. I just watched the playback. Haha, I hated all the girls' singings. O.O Until I saw the last contestant's name and I said "I'm so gonna vote for this one" 'cause you'll know what I mean when you see the name of the contestant. HEHEHEHEHEHE! Okay, I'm talking to myself and this is not fun. GAAAAAAH.

I'm in love with a guy whose name starts with 'R' and ends with 'IDHUAN'. HAHAHAHA, okay epic-ness. I can't wait for our MidYear to end. HEHEHE. Ahhh, MidYear! I don't want the results, puh-lease! Please please please ): I can't even bear to think about it. Okay, I'm sleepy. It's been a long time since I posted like this. Normally is like short stuffs. HEHEHE. Not anymore, I guess. When I have time, I'm gonna update okay guys, *points to the only two readers, which I'm confident that they're gonna read this* Namer diorang Nadhirah dengan Filza (: HAHAHAHA. Okay, rahsia terbongkar uh korangs. Sorry, wasn't me. It was the computer, he wanted to blackmail me if I didn't tell him who. ): Sad life, huh?

I love Avril Lavigne. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, she's so WOW! I love her to the max. Like seriously, she lives her life like how she wants it to be! And I want to do that! She's my role model now. My icon. Gosh. And also, I love Cody Simpson. *Takde, saje je nak kasi satu orang ni jealous* Jealous tak? HAHAHA. I killed Nicki Minaj by the time you read this. Oh and it's not Nicki Meenachi, *Nad* Hahaha. Okay Aku sumpah Aku dah bebual merepekkkkkz. Time to say goodnight and sleeptight (:

Tapi Aku masih mahu berbual merepek ): Buleh luh eh? Kalau yer pun, Aku bebual sorang kan, korang bacer pun lambat punye *muker sedih tapi mintak kene smack*. Ku menyintaimu sedalam-dalam hatiku! Hahahahaha! Okay lame, ni luh orang mabuk cinta. *MACAMPAHAAAAAAAAAM UH LUUUUUU* Haha, diam luh, computer. Memekak dari tadi, tak bagus tauu. *goyang finger* AHHHHH *melts* Okay diam. Seriously, IDA, get a life. HAHA. I am already having one. In my stomach. HAHAHA, kbye.

R-IDHUAN punye would be. K LAME. ^^v

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/11/2011 08:37:00 PM

♥Monday, May 9, 2011♥

My Introduction for my dear Marley, * continued from the text *

Well, if you're going to fall in love with me, it's only fair that you know what you're falling in love with. You are falling in love with my insecurities, and my obsession in trying to figure out what everyone thinks of me. You are falling in love with my immaturity, my constant need to feel loved and appreciated, my overactive tear ducts, my internet obsession, my tendency to be too clingy. You fall in love with my troubled past, and my hopes and dreams. If you fall in love with me, you fall in love with my self-hate and all my imperfections and my perception that nobody could ever love me.

- Thetroubledgirl.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/09/2011 09:03:00 PM


What truth?! Wait. You dont even check my blog. Why would you. So that status isnt for me. It appeared on my newsfeed for godsake. And it got me wondering.. But well, it cant be meant for me cause you dont even care about me anymore. But if it was for me.. What truth, can give you the right to leave me for anoher girl? Huh!

I hatr smokers. But for you, baby, youre an execption. RM <3

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/09/2011 08:53:00 AM

♥Sunday, May 8, 2011♥


Yeah I got the courage to say that now. I don't even hurt at the mention of your name anymore! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Packed all the stuffs you gave to me. Never gonna look at it anymore. Well, I don't even know you anymore. You never existed. We didn't go through anything together. That's how you wanted it to be right? Oh yeah! I don't even care if you have a replacement. All I know is, the guy whom I used to know was better. And she'll never know that side of you, ever. 'Cause you changed. So, I'm just gonna pretend you never existed. :D

I'm gonna concentrate on my future. Never gonna look back on the past. I can't keep holding on to the memories. I'm supposed to make new memories! Oh yeah, I guess your forever meant until you found someone better. Haha, * pretends as if I don't know anything * Haha.

Furthermore, I'm lucky I'm in love with my bestfriend <3

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/08/2011 08:09:00 PM

♥Wednesday, May 4, 2011♥

We would of made 1 year and 2 months this month.

But we broke up a month ago. We had our ups and downs, we put each other through hell and back, but I can never say I regretted being with you. You were like my bestfriend, but of course my boyfriend. I can act myself around you and you took me for who I am. I hurt you, you hurt me. It was equal. We had the best time, and people loved how we were together. I honestly miss you so much, but now you just walked out of my life. As if I was nothing.. It hurts to look back at what we had. When I see you, I fall back in love with you, you make my heart skip a beat.. But you don't notice that, I'm the only one trying. Why did you change? Why did you turn into an asshole? Why do your friends notice everything I do for you, but you dont? Why am I getting treated differently. Go ahead have your space, have all the girls you want, but remember what you had, who was the only one that gave a fuck when no one else did. Remember who was there to wipe your tears away. Dont get me wrong but I don't understand how you could forget me that fast. I wanna move on, but something is holding me back. You dont understand how I just wanna run into your arms, but I cant. Please explain everything to me.. Ohh, right. You dont wanna talk about any of that. This date means the world to me.. And always will be labeled on my heart.. It's time to let go.. I love you..
I dont know what to feel.

♥ i will be there for you through it all,
@ 5/04/2011 02:36:00 PM